Let’s save our precious pooches


We turn four! And we take this opportunity to thank all our readers for their love and support to make Dogs & Pups the most cherished magazine of dog-lovers. As we celebrate the fourth anniversary of this wonderful magazine on the world’s most wonderful creatures – our darling pooches, we will continue to bring many more pages of joy, love and care for our sweet doggies.
For us the best way to celebrate is to do good deeds for our pooches and make this planet a better place for them. It would come as a surprise for most of you that one of the world’s rarest dog species – the Bakerwal dog- is reared in India by the Gujjars and the Bakerwals in Hindukush and Himalayan belt of the Indian subcontinent. These rugged and courageous shepherd dogs were bred to protect livestocks of the nomadic Bakerwals and are capable of protecting large herds of sheeps and goats. But, it will be shocking to know that this rare species of dogs will soon become extinct.
The Bakerwals are trying to relinquish their nomadic ways and in an attempt to climb higher altitudes, their dogs are being killed near the Line of Control (LoC). Also, a number of dogs succumb to throat, rabies and other infections due to devoid of proper vaccines and medical care. As a result, there are just a few hundred dogs of this breed left. Isn’t it a big setback for the Indian sub-continent to lose this precious breed? They are our country’s heritage and we need to protect these sturdy pooches from extinction.
Sparkle nods his head in approval and wishes that some NGO takes the matter forward and preserves this rare species, of which all Indians will be proud of.

– Shweta