A pup in a pub!


More and more pet parents are realising the need to spend their time with their pets and look for ways and means to be with them 24×7. Though it is a welcome step but sometimes it can cause ill effects to our darling pooches. Nowadays, pet parents have started taking their pets on vacation, office, parties and even pubs…. Though it is a wonderful idea to spend time with your pet, but doggies in a pub???

A couple in Shaldon, Devon, regularly took their pet Collie Archie to a pub, ever since he was a pup. There he developed a strange liking for cigarette smoke. He loved to sniff the smoke and watch it disappear in air. After smoking was banned in pubs, Archie could not get his share of nicotine and started showing all the withdrawl symptoms. The poor dog is suffering just because his parents could not distinguish between what is good or bad for him.
This incident makes me realise that people are still not aware about how to take proper care of their canines. Dogs are like children who cannot differentiate between right and wrong. It is our duty to guide them and take care of them. We cannot let our children suffer and so we should strive to become responsible parents and not let our pooches suffer!
It is with this thought that we have started D&P’s journey into its fourth year. Congratulatory messages have poured from all directions from our wonderful readers. We are trying our best to live up to their expectations and make D&P a true friend of all tailwaggers and their parents.
